Board Minutes

Approved Minutes from December 28, 2012
Author: Ed McCarthy

Alano Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Board Members Present:

Monica Daubs
Lisa Drafall                                                                          
Ed McCarthy
Stan Wangberg

Lisa called the meeting to order at 5:42. Meeting held at Yak’s Coffee Shop.

·         Reviewed minutes from 12/14 meeting. Monica moved to approve minutes, Stan seconded, minutes approved 3-0.

Gwen emailed a resignation letter to board members. Board reviewed letter, letter was accepted. Board discussed two points from the letter: 1 – Who do we rent too? 2 – Does our insurance still cover us?
·         Group reviewed by-laws for guidance about who we rent to. It is not clearly defined in by laws. Group agreed that by-laws should be changed (following the procedures in the by-laws for getting the Alano club membership to vote on the change). The board believes that the Alano club should be rented to any 12 step recovery group or to any member in good standing of the Alano club. Monica will write up a statement to that effect. Ed will try to get by-laws from Alano clubs to get ideas from.
·         Stan will follow up to see if there is an issue with our insurance. Monica will call to find out our corporate status.

VP Report:

·         Still missing 1Q2011 941 form. Lisa will get Monica payroll records so that Monica can complete 941.
·         Stan and Monica to follow up on 990 form. 990 form is required for non-profit status.
·         Monica went with Steve to look at new cash register. Register looks good, would help and could work.
·         Monica will go to bank tomorrow to get on checking account.
·         P.O. Box will cost $100 per year. Monica will get that paid for once she is on the checking account.
Treasurer’s report (Given by Lisa):

·         Report showing income and expenses was presented. Last month we spent $4688.53 and made $3,719.84 with one deposit still to be made. Amount in account $1,279.41.
·         Board of Equalization – we were late with 3Q2011 filing so we got hit with a penalty. Lisa contacted them. The late payment caused out payment schedule from 1Q2011 to be cancelled. We still need to file 3Q2011 and 4Q2011 is due soon.
·         Presented a budget for January, 2011. 
Secretary’s Report:

·         Started on spreadsheet with membership. All new members from 2011 are in the spreadsheet. Still need to get records for membership payments. Those are probably in a receipt book at the Alano club. Ed will go to Alano club before the next meeting to get the membership updated.

New Business:

·         Discussed having a membership meeting. We want to give the members an update on what we have done so far and what still needs to be done. Also, to get the memberships opinion on the statement of who we rent to. We also want to get help – treasurer and more board members. We also want to know if we are doing what the membership wants and if the membership wants us to do something we are not currently doing. Meeting will be some time in February.

·         Next meeting will be on 1/18 at 5:30 at the Alano club. 

Ed made a motion to adjourn at 7:00 pm. Stan seconded. Motion passed 3-0.